On Sunday 2nd July 2023, I left home on a bus to deliver a parcel to one of my friends. It required using two buses to the place. When the first bus dropped me where I would catch the second one, I looked at the timetable and noticed that the bus I was to change to, doesn’t operate on Sundays. “Oh no!” I exclaimed.
“I am already out, far away from home, and I promised my friend I was going, what am I to do now?” I muttered.
For a few minutes, I stood there, thinking. Then I came up with an idea, to walk. I always take my walking stick around with me. At that moment, I braced myself for the journey, 1-6 miles from where I was at the time to where I was to go.
Slowly, but steadily via the sidewalk, using my walking stick, I finally made it to my friend’s place.
This is a reminder that whenever you go out, be prepared for uncertainties because, in reality, no matter how much you try to plan and prepare for every possible outcome, life will find a way of surprising you.

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